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Authentication & Circuits

When you're building a Keyspace-integrated smart wallet, your authentication logic will be duplicated: your smart contract needs to verify the signatures when processing transactions, but now so does your Account circuit to verify signatures when the user wants to change their key configuration. The changes needed to your contracts are described in Contracts.

The Account circuit facilitates zero-knowledge SNARK proofs that an authorized user has changed the wallet's configuration. All Account circuits take the currentData of the Keyspace record and the newKey as public inputs. Note that newKey does not actually change the record's constant key: it's merely a commitment to the new configuration that is calculated in the same manner as the original key.

Current Circuits


Authorize key configuration changes with an secp256k1 signature, just like Ethereum EOA signatures.


Authorize key configuration changes with a WebAuthn passkey signature, which uses the secp256r1 (P256) curve and standard WebAuthn signature payloads.

Planned Circuits

M-of-N Multisig

Configure one or more secp256k1 or WebAuthn signers along with a threshold for how many signatures are required to update the configuration. We expect this circuit to be repurposed for more Keyspace integrations, even for wallets that aren't explicitly multisignature wallets.